Forthlane Investment: Modern Money Management

Forthlane provides clients with clarity and peace of mind through a Pension Plan style of investing.

Simply put, we help our clients achieve above market returns with lower risk by diversifying across a range of asset classes including alternative investments.

We source, conduct due diligence and provide access to the best global asset managers objectively and without bias.

We are aligned with our clients. Management's personal capital represents approximately 25% of Forthlane's total assets under management.

We are a nimble team that can tailor our services for your specific goals and needs. Most commonly though, clients work with us in the following two ways:

1. Outsourced CIO managing a well-diversified portfolio
We help clients sleep well at night by constructing a well-diversified, pension-style portfolio that aims to achieve above-market returns with lower risk.

2. Complementing a client’s existing asset mix
Clients may only need exposure to certain alternative asset classes, to complement their existing asset mix.

We construct portfolios using tax-efficient building blocks that cover six key asset classes:

Global Equity: Portfolio of global public equities via low-cost ETFs and select active managers. Standalone impact-focused portfolio available.

Private Opportunities: Portfolio of institutional private equity managers and high-quality direct investments, accessing the asset class as efficiently as possible. Standalone impact-focused portfolio available.

Absolute Return: Portfolio of various hedge fund strategies designed to protect capital and provide low volatility growth.

Real Assets: Portfolio of three low cost ETFs: gold, diversified commodities and inflation-linked bonds.

Credit Opportunities: Diversified portfolio of institutional credit managers opportunistically investing across credit markets.

Fixed Income: Portfolio of Canadian bonds, implemented in a tax efficient manner.

Wayne Kozun, CIO:

“Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan is one of the world’s most renowned institutional investors. I spent two decades in leadership roles there and can confirm that this successful style of investing simply hasn’t been available to Canadian families, until now. Forthlane offers pension-style investing that unifies the best global managers, alternative asset classes, sophisticated portfolio construction and tax awareness to achieve above market returns with lower risk.”

Forthlane Partner Wayne Kozun Chief Investment Officer